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Upcoming Events: Every month we host at least two livestream events with the stars of your favorite shows. By joining our mailing list you'll now never miss an announcement!
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Why not start with a piece from Brad Wright, the co-creator of Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, and creator of Travelers?
Key Features
Light/Dark Mode and More Accessibility
Customize your viewing experience with the new Light/Dark mode and a wealth of accessibility features from dyslexia add-ons, audio-only versions, transcripts, and more.
Full List of Accessibility Features
Whether to aid with astigmatism, dyslexia, or just tired eyes after work; or to allow you to consume our content in your preferred way, this page outlines all our current features to hopefully make The Companion the best version it can be for you.
Light/Dark Mode
Yes. We have a dark mode. With the click of a button, you can flip the switch and turn our whole website from light to dark, softening the contrast, and making it easier on the eyes (as well as looking cool).
Dyslexia Extensions
For our font, we decided to go with Serif as, for most people, this allows them to read 40% longer. We know this isn't the case for everyone, however, so have pulled together some easy-to-use extensions that will work not just here but all over the internet.
Microsoft Edge
Audio Articles and Audio-Only Versions
One of our most recent additions to The Companion has been introducing immersive audio versions of our favorite pieces so if you find it difficult to read a full-length article, want a new way to experience it, or just save time while you've got other things to do: you can.
We've also provided audio-only versions of all our on-demand videos, so you can have To Boldly Ask... as a podcast or Stargate A.I. on a road trip.
Subtitles and Transcripts
All our on-demand videos are fully subtitled and we've also included written transcripts beneath each one.
If you're someone who uses a screen reader, we're committed to ensuring that all our in-article images are given alt-text so you don't miss out and can experience the fullness of our full-length articles.
Keyboard-only navigation
Our website can be navigated using solely the keyboard.
Search, Discover, and Tags
We want to make it easy for you to find exactly what you're looking for and also stumble across something you never knew you needed.
Search via title, tag, content type, and more. You type it, it comes up. It's a search bar - you know how the internet works.
Discover Page

You can also find our tags below the image on each article as yet another delicious breadcrumb to lead you to content goodies.

Each featured image will also have a combination of the below icons, letting you know at-a-glance whether you can read, listen, watch, or attend to the content on the page.

Password-less Login
Passwords? We don’t need no stinking passwords!
Just enter your email address at login and you’ll be emailed a unique link to sign in. Simple. Secure. And great for when your memory is overwritten by an alien repository of knowledge and you forget your password.

Your email address is the only log-in information you need
Didn't You Have an App?
We did! Past tense. With the launch of our new website, we've discontinued our app but our new site is so good you won’t miss it. We’ve made sure our mobile web version is a superior experience. And if you think your phone looks a little lonely, you can still shortcut it on your homepage (and we’ve listed how below).

Who's on the Team?
Team and Authors
A few of you wanted to get to know more about our small team behind the scenes. Click here to learn more about the team that deliver you this hot content each week.
Over time, hopefully, you'll start to fall in love with a particular author's style or a podcast host's personality. Click here to find out more about them and their articles, podcasts, and videos.
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