The collapse of partworks publisher and model shop Eaglemoss back in July 2022 was a blow to fans who had been following the line. Though best known for their high-quality Star Trek ships, they had released three Stargate vessels: Daedalus, Ha‘tak Pyramid Ship, and a Death Glider.
The Stargate line’s custodian Ben Robinson – who worked as Eaglemoss’s Director of Licensed Products until the company went into administration – told GateWorld that the plan was for 10 Stargate models. Although they weren’t released, stock of the Prometheus and F-302 models do exist and the latter will be available to buy from Master Replicas at the end of June.
Hi yes we will have them the F302 should be end of June
— Master Replicas Official (@MasterReplicas_) May 15, 2023
Robinson said: “We were working on 10 ships: the Daedalus, the Goa’uld Mothership, the Death Glider. The F-302 was pretty much done, actually. I have pictures of a finished one. But I don’t think it actually went into production. The F-302 would have been the next ship that was out, and we had done quite a lot of work on it.
“Then the Prometheus, the Puddle Jumper, the Beliskner [Thor’s Asgard mothership], Wraith Dart, the Destiny. We have the Destiny shuttle, which seems like probably not the most likely thing we would have done at that point. But those were all underway — or planned. They were all in the planning, some of them to quite a complete level [and] some of them underway but not complete.”
Robinson adds that there’s an outside chance that another company may pick up the license and continue where Eaglemoss left off:
“There are conversations going on. I don’t want to say more than that, but yes, I think there’s every reason to think that in a year or so’s time, there will be more new stuff.”
Props to our friends at GateWorld who have been all over this story from the outset. The full interview with Robinson is well worth a read.
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